Whats A Teaser

now that is a teaser
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a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass
  • A teaser is a type of gambling bet that allows the bettor to combine his bets on two different games. The bettor can adjust the point spreads for the two games, but realizes a lower return on the bets in the event of a win. A teaser is a type of wager used in sports betting most commonly in basketball and football.
  • A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah.
  • A teaser (or a ' two-team teaser ') is a type of gambling bet that allows the bettor to combine his bets on two different games. The bettor can adjust the point spreads for the two games, but realizes a lower return on the bets in the event of a win. A teaser is a type of wager used in sports betting, most commonly in basketball and football.
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HorseWhats a teaser in betting

A teaser is a parlay placed on multiple Point Spreads or Totals where the line is bought or 'teased' down in exchange for a lower payout. Currently, teasers only exist as Football only, Basketball only and Football/Basketball combinations. They are traditionally pre-match only bets. Something used to put a female in heat. 'The bible clearly hates what you are and threatens you with death simply because you happen to be gay and not straight, son.

1. A short film trailer (shorter than a full length trailer shown in movie theatres and in the beginning of VHS tapes and DVDs).
Teasers trailers are used on TV, where the length of time is far too limited to run a full 2-3 minute trailer.
2. One who leads one on (sexually) but perennialy holds short of having sex.
3. Any small taste of something, usually aimed at selling something.
4. one who teases.
by Captain Neatoman October 28, 2004
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that bitchleft me with this hard-on
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when a guy asks for a “teaser” they’re asking for a pic of ur clevage not ur boobs so they can be “teased” 🙄
1. “hey emma send me some teasers”
*sends pic with clevage showing*
Whats A Teaser
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What is a parlay bet
whatcha fancy eating today?
ohh im just gonna crack out a packet of teasers
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Mar 10 trending

Whats A Teaser Text

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